Criminal Barrister

"It is more important that innocence be protected than it is that guilt be punished, for guilt and crimes are so frequent in this world that they cannot all be punished. "

- John Adams 

Call James Now

James Olsen

James is a respected barrister with a well-earned reputation for pragmatic advice, well-researched arguments and robust advocacy. 

James spent his formative years working for a senior criminal barrister, as well as working with other leading barristers. He honed his advocacy skills and built up a wealth of experience across the full spectrum of the criminal law. 

James specialises in sexual, serious violence and drugs cases, as well as appeals. He has extensive experience dealing with a wide range of cases from objectionable publications to rape, common assault to child sex offending, cannabis possession to woundings and grievous bodily harm, and everything in between. 

James regularly appears in the District Court on pre-trial hearings, sentencing and jury trials, as well as frequently arguing appeals in the High Court and Court of Appeal. He has successfully argued cases at all levels, including our highest court - the Supreme Court. 

He acts for people from all walks of life, backgrounds and financial means. He accepts private instructions, provides services through Legal Aid and continues to work with leading criminal barristers. While operating from Sentinel Chambers in central Auckland, James represents clients around Auckland and the country. 

Contact James

Sentinel Chambers

Level 4, 62 Victoria Street W., Auckland Central, Auckland 1010

PO Box 7140, Victoria Street W., Auckland 1142

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